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Senin, 04 April 2011

[R.I.P] Saya Cosplayer

Regarding the rumor which had been spread, we are here to clarify it. Maybe some of you have known this before, but there are also many people who didn't.

We had contact with some of her friends to clarify this rumor and we are grate
ful that they were willing to share some info about our dearest Saya's current condition. Big thanks to Tsugihagi☆Mishin-san (Miss Saya's bestfriend) and GUMI-san (Miss Saya and Miss Mishin's kameko) for gave us info then our friend, Shiki-san (cosplayer from Kansai) for helping us translating. First, we are going to tell you about the rumor.

Some people said that Miss Saya has passed away. This rumor is TRUE.
We, the admins of SA
YA COSPLAYER fan page, sadly and regretful announce that our DEAREST SAYA had passed away on March 15th 2011 early morning.

Miss Saya passed away because of an accident.
About the detail of the accident, we are sorry, we don't know anything. Miss Saya's sister also confirmed and justify this rum
or. Some of you wrote on Saya Cosplayer fan page's wall and said that Saya-san was suicided. That rumor was not true. Please don't believe it. By this note, we also send our big condolences to Miss Saya's departure. May she rest in peace.

sumber: http://www.indowebster.web.id/entry.php?b=7052

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