expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>


Rabu, 04 April 2018

Pengalaman Pesantren 1 Bulan di DT

Hiiiii~ Sebulan lalu aku ikut program pesantren satu bulan, nama programnya adalah Dauroh Qolbiyah (DQ) di Daarut Tauhiid (DT) Bandung. Pasti udah familiar kan? Itu pesantren Aa Gym, deket banget ama UPI. Aku dulu ngekos di belakang DT tapi jarang banget kesana haha. Padahal orang tua udah sering banget nyuruh kesana, ikut kajian sambil nyari jodoh (ups). Mungkin doa-doanya ortu baru dikabulin lewat program ini. Selama kurang lebih 32 hari, jadi rajin banget kesana (Alhamdulillah).

Alasan aku masuk program ini sih pertamanya karena mengisi kekosongan sehabis resign. Kedua, ingin memperbaiki diri juga. Kerasa banget di zaman now banyak yang berdebat tentang agama Islam tapi ga tau dalilnya. Sering di debat sama orang, karena aku ga tau dalilnya jadi sering kali 'kalah'. Nah, bagi kalian yang mau menjemput hidayah, belajar agama Islam, menguatkan iman, mencari ketenangan hidup, dll., aku saranin kalian ikut program ini. Info lebih lanjut bisa lihat di http://www.daaruttauhiid.org/ atau kepoin instagramnya @pesantrendaaruttauhid atau bisa langsung datang ke Muslimah Center (MC) di belakang Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhiid. Lokasinya ga jauh kok dari mesjidnya.

Untuk yang mempertimbangkan untuk masuk program ini. Aku bakalan ceritain garis besarnya aja ya. Selebihnya nanti dirasain sendiri deh.

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

He Left

Hi. Again. It looks like I'm not a woman of my word when it comes to writing in my blog. Soo sorry. I have a nephew now and its hard to even open my laptop.

So now, I'm going to write about someone. Not to resent him or anything. Just for a reminder. Not to repeat the same mistake.

Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Starting to write again

Hi guys. Long time no see ^_^

I know that I'm really inconsistent in managing this blog (sorry). I really want to post new things at least once a month. I really do. As why I am using English in my blog (starting from today) simply because I want to improve my English skill, especially in writing skill. Most of you may or may not know that I am an English education grad. Yes, I just finished my study on June 2017 and will have a graduation ceremony on the 22nd of August 2017 (yeaayy, finally!!!). I know that my grammar is not perfect, but hey, it is never too late to learn. Andddd, all of you are welcome to make comment on my grammar, the content of my blog, etc.

So, I've been re-reading this blog and OMG, I am so embarrassed!! I was so immature (and I still am)! And I realized that I mostly post something related to me, my hobby and the center of this blog is ME. So sorry, if you find this blog contents are annoying (lol). Originally, the purpose of this blog is to make a record of my journey and share my interests to the world. So, yes, this will be a (very) personal blog. I have some ideas to be written in this blog, so stay tuned!

Rabu, 07 September 2016

[Terjemahan Lagu] Closer - The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey

(The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey)

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
(Hey, aku baik saja sebelum bertemu denganmu)
I drink too much and that's an issue
(Aku minum terlalu banyak dan itu sebuah masalah)
But I'm OK
(Tapi aku baik-baik saja)
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
(Hey, kau bilang pada teman-temanmu kau senang bertemu mereka)
But I hope I never see them again
(Tapi aku berharap aku tak akan bertemu mereka lagi)

I know it breaks your heart
(Aku tahu itu menghancurkan hatimu)
Moved to the city in a broke-down car
(Pindah ke kota dengan mobil rusak)
And four years, no calls
(Dan empat tahun tanpa kabar)
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
(Sekarang kau terlihat cantik di bar hotel)
And I, I, I, I, I can't stop
(Dan a-a-a-aku tak bisa berhenti)
No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop
(Tidah, a-a-a-aku tak bisa berhenti)

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

I'm Really Sorry

(c) google

If you ever read my post about Muslim Lolita? Why Not di tahun 2011. So, I'm really sorry that I said it was okay to dress like that. 

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016


Dimanapun kalian berada
Ku kirimkan terima kasih
Untuk warna dalam hidupku


Kita tak pernah tahu
Berapa lama kita diberi waktu
Jika aku pergi lebih dulu
Jangan lupakan aku


Lembar monokrom hitam putih
Aku coba ingat warna demi warna di hidupku
Tak akan ku mengenal cinta
Bila bukan karna hati baikmu 

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Magnus Bane: The High Warlock of Brooklyn

Hi guys!! I'm currently reading The Mortal Instruments Book Series (just finished reading City of Ashes though). Actually, I watched the film adaptation of City of Bones in 2013 but I didn't read the book at that time.

When I first saw the movie, I kinda disappointed with the movie. I didn't really understand the story or whatever. But then, about 2 months ago, I re-watched the movie and then I started to notice one character: Magnus Bane.

Which one do you prefer?